Happy Easter! He is RISEN!!
This morning we are off to a lazy start as we slept in until 8:00. The girls woke up to discover that the Belizean Easter bunny had shown up. They even got to take part in their own version of an Easter egg hunt. They (along with Ryan and Josh) sought revenge on the boys for demoting Ryan to the lowest rank of TSF. They used water balloons (eggs) and they hunted the boys. Our bags are packed, and loaded in the trailer. We are saying our last good byes to the people who during the week have made camp home away from home for us. Some of them have been our Belizean family for a few years. There are some changes happening here at camp, so there is uncertainty as to who will be here both for us in terms of team members next year, but for them also. We're so grateful for them and their consistent love and servant hearts. It's like someone turned on the waterworks. :)
We are going to do our own Easter service out in the chapel. We will be not only the first service in the chapel, but the first Easter Service in the chapel area. Mrs. Orr brought resurrection eggs and we're going to make sure that we celebrate the joyfulness of this day! As soon as we finish with our service we are going to start our 4 1/2 hour drive to the airport, and then our 5+ hour flight home. We are a group with mixed emotions, as we are excited to come home and see you but sad because in many ways we have become our own miniature family here, and that family time is ending. Please pray for our safety in travel, as well as for the hearts of our kids as they leave Belize. Please make sure you keep an eye out for any delays on our flights. We are on the following flights:
April 8 Belize City to El Salvador departs 5:20pm arrives 6:25pm TACA 411
April 8 El Salvador to LAX departs 7:40pm arrives 12:05am LACSA 670
We love you ALL!!! See you soon!
Postcards from Southern Belize 2012
updates from the Woodcrest Christian High School Southern Belize 2012 missions team. Serving the community of Bella Vista, Belize. In case of an emergency.. here's Mr. Sullivan's email hsprincipal@woodcrestchristian.org. Please use this to contact him and he can get in contact with us! Thanks!!!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
finishing up in Belize
After church we came back and did devotions. The kids were pretty tired after our time of sharing and diving into the Word. They headed to bed. Mr. C. and Miss Frost stayed in the dining room as the kids worked to finish their “shout outs”. When Miss Frost went to bed, the lights were still on in the girls’ dorms, only to find out that moments before the lights had been turned back on due to a scorpion sighting. It was a mama scorpion, which Makayla and Shanice (our Belizean teenage girls staying at camp with us) were quick to point out and kill one of the babies. They also were quick to point out that there is usually more than one baby with a mama. Mrs. Clark and Miss Frost needless to say were thrilled to hear that news! NOT!! Most of the girls were asleep already, so it didn’t phase them. We have been keeping a very close eye out for any of the babies that might have strayed after their mama was murdered. They were not the only scorpions we saw though. Miss Frost had a fairly decent sized one jump on her leg this afternoon while working at the trenches. She quickly brushed it off (with a slight scream) and then squished it.
This morning we were moving more sluggishly. But today was a day for victory!!! We FINALLY conquered the trenches! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was much rejoicing in the camp! After finishing our digging, we donned our swimsuits and headed to the river for more rock hunting. We took the trailer to fill with rocks to line the bottom of our trenches. We ended up making two trips, which allowed us some time to play in the river and cool off on another HOT Belizean day. (Easily over 100 again). A few nights ago, we asked the kids to come up with a verse to write on a rock from the river that would be placed in the foundation of the chapel’s trenches. So today we wrote our verses, prayed over the completed trenches, read them out loud to each other and then placed the rocks in a trench. It was so cool!
We had a more relaxing afternoon. We packed, cleaned and prepared for tonight and our departure tomorrow. Tonight our dinner was sautéed garlic shrimp and fried shrimp with fries, cole slaw and pineapple upside-down cake. Our missionary Darlene is turning 50 in May, so tonight we threw her an early surprise Birthday Party. She was definitely surprised, and we had fun. We also had a talent show complete with all sorts of acts. Skits, limericks, dances, songs, and even a comedy act. Josh emceed the event for us! Gregorio, Flor, Micah (their grandson) even came out for the talent show. At the end of the evening, we gave out the gifts we had brought for all of the people we were ministering with. It was difficult to say goodbye to Gregorio, Flor, and Micah tonight.
We had a great time of sharing again tonight during devotions as we looked at how we can continue to make an impact in each other’s lives beyond our time here in Belize. After devotions, the kids stuck around to play Mafia, and then we called curfew at midnight. We are all anxious to see you tomorrow. We will leave here around 11:30 (10:30am your time) to begin our journey up to Belize City to then fly home. We look forward to seeing you on the other side of Customs at LAX! Love you all!!
Friday, April 6, 2012
shout outs!!
We thought we'd give the kids a chance to tell things from their perspective for a little bit! Enjoy!
Hannah- Mom, Dad, Logan, Bradley & Michael.. I miss you guys so much and I can’t wait to see everybody. I hope you guys are enjoying your spring break, I know I am. I really love it here and wish you could see how amazing it is!! The people are soo great and it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I really love my team and they are just like family. We definitely have had some crazy times. I have so much to tell you and so many pictures to show you!! Duuuuude I got one gnarly farmers tan (nothing like Logans though) lol. Tell Logan that I am thinking about him and wish him luck with his lifeguard test if he hasn’t already taken it. Text Farris and Jimmy for me thanking them for the nice comment and that I miss them too! Only 2 more days so don’t miss me too much. i hope you guys have a fantastic Easter, ill be thinking about you! Love you all!!! <3<3<3
Brian- Mom, Dad, Blair, and whoever else reads these: tough week so far! Picking/axing/shoveling 370 feet of trenches has probably topped the 100+ bags of cement last year, something I never thought would be topped. Sweating more than I ever have, blisters everywhere, sick, but they kinda need me so no rest for the weary eh? Finally saw the Lopezs yesterday when we got lucky and found them and the Central team at the same beach we went to so now the trip is all worth it. Carla says hello and said she would probably going to write Mom a note or do something over facebook. Christi says hi to all three of you and told me to give you all hugs. I think she misses Dads meat off the bar-b-que. Matthias bought me a machete! Let me know how the Yankees are doing!
Megan- How’s my brother Addi Abbs doing? Working your abbs? I think by now my biceps will be bigger than yours with all the digging of trenches that is going on. Dad, I love you and miss you! Hopefully you all are having some guy bonding time. And I hope you have a fantastic Easter! Ryan, I know you cry to sleep every night because you miss me, but it’s okay, I am still alive and will be home soon. Till then, you can have a hug fest with Adam and Piggy.
Erin-Hello Clark boys, just a reminder for you to finish watching all your man movies—be ready for some Pride and Prejudice when we get home. Well I am missing you all and praying for you. Don’t forget to feed my kitty, hug Miss Bell, clean the house (ha), and have a good Easter! Love you--can’t wait to catch up on the Dodgers too. P. S. My biceps will probably be bigger than dad’s.
Rachel- hey mom, dad, Tracy, Jasmine, Roxy, Sam(if you’re reading this), and Casey. J How is everyone doing? I’m doing good over here despite the extreamly hot days. (If you thought church camp at Vail Lake was bad, you havn’t been here. Mom, if you could keep my hand in prayer that would be awesome. The muscle on my thumb really hurts, but it’s nothing that keeps me from work, just being able to write well. I love you Big Nut Brown Hare. Dad, I will try to never complain about pulling weeds again. I will still hate doing it, but it’s nothing compared to what we’re doing right now. Also, I got some Beliezian money for the money collection. Tracy, I hope you’re having a good Easter Break from school. If it’s hot enough over there, take a dip in the pool for me. Tell LoLo I say hi and will be home soon for him to sit on my shoulder. Roxers, and Jasers, I love the both of you so much, and expect a lot of kisses when I get home. Sam, I miss you like heck my sister, and you too Kelsey. When I get back, we’re all going out for Ice Cream, and seeing Hunger games together. Count on it. And Casey, Glub, Glub. I love all of you very much and hope you’re having a good break.
Dylan- Hey Mom, Dad, Kyle and AngelJ. I really miss you guys!! It has been and still is one of the best experiences of my life, and I am soo glad I am here. I love my team, and we all have really bonded. Everyday I have been wielding a pickaxe and diggging trenches, for hours upon hours in the hot sun. It is definitely an experience I will never forget. My walk with God has grown soo much in this week, than I have in a while. I hope you guys have an amazing Easter, and it will definitely be weird without you. I appreciate your prayers, and I hope you guys have had fun while I am gone. We went to Placencia yesterday, and the beach was amazing! You couldn’t even belive it, the water was warm!! Haha I got souveniers for all of you guys as well!! I love and miss you all!! J
Amber- Mom, Dad, J, Em and everyone else! I am having a great trip and I can’t wait to tell you ALL about it!! Although we have been digging trenches all day long the team has bonded a ton and I have really seen God work in my life. I miss you so much and seeing you on Thursday was great Justin J can’t wait to hear all about your trips.
Josh- hey mom dad meg and jenna. Here in Belize and having an awesome time and happy birthday jeniball miss being with you on our birthday I’ll see you all in a couple days miss you all see ya.
Carly- Hey Mom, Dad, and Kraemer! I’m having so much fun! I lost my voice like Tuesday so it’s been fun trying to speak in the VBS and stuff, but it all adds to the memories J We’re having such an amazing trip, and I’ve been able to reconnect a ton with all of the kids I met last year. I’m glad to hear that Uncle Keith is okay, that was scary when I first read your comment dad. Wish I was able to see you guys while you were home, but I’ll be back soon! Love you all J
Kalina &Cheyenne- Hey Mom, Dad, Chad, Trent, Ginger, and Brotha Sam!! Having so much fun here in BealizeJ Haven’t got many bug bites.. but there is a problem with trantuals haha bet Chad would love to see them! We Love you all and miss you so much! The team is doing great and we are having so many funny, memorable times together. We can’t wait to tell you all about it! Trent, we hope your baseball tournament went well and we are happy to hear about Ginger’s first mountain walkJ Hope your spring break has been relaxing. Happy Easter Family! We love you so so so so so so so so so (cheyenne J ) much <3
Katie- Hey mom and dad, im doing great. Im having oodles of fun. I hope daisy is not so depressed! Tell her im almost home! I miss you guya soo much. I hope 50 is not lonesome at night. Im doing very hard work heere. I believe I have seen the light of death. Jk it’s the burning sun. everybody is awesome here. We are digging trenches. The children are so loving and welcoming. Some of them laugh at mine and cheyenne’s spanish accents but that’s ok. Well I gotta go. Love you and miss you very very very very much. J <3
Joseph- tell my brother I love him.
Hiliary- Hi!!!!! I love you and miss you all and I can’t wait to see you again! I am having so much fun here! I hope you had fun touring colleges and I can’t wait to hear the verdict. I have so MANY fun stories to share with you. John showed us this animal called a paca and it reminded me of Hei BooBear. VBS has been lifechanging and I have learned so much more from the little kids than I expected. I love my team soo much and we have bonded a ton. I am sure you heard that we ran into the central Belize team in Placentia, and it was really nice to be able to talk to Mr. Andrew and then Glenna for half an hour. Our whole team went out to eat during that time and after we were done talking to central, Morgan and I started looking for our team and she almost asked, “Where is our family?”. After five days of trench digging, Muscles has got muscles :). It was really hard to say goodbye to all of my VBS/ church friends today, but I took lots of pics. I am anxious to see what the outcome of Garrett’s appointment was on Monday. Tell Ann and Ashley that the magazine was amazing and saved me from boredom on a LONG layover. Sorry I am talking so much, but I will tell you more later. Dad: {hugs} Mom: your baby girl is safe Mickey: hope you had a great time and can’t wait to see you. Love you all as much as God loves us! <3 Happy Easter and remember to get a lot of rolls. :) love, Hililee
Lauren- Hey mom and dad! I miss you guys a lot and I hope you are having a good break! I’m having a lot of fun and I can’t wait to see you guys. I love you guys a lot and tell Alexa I miss her. See you in a few days!
Ryan- hey guys ill be home in 2 days and im tired so night night love you
Brittany- Hey guys! I’ve been having an absoutely amazing time in Belize so far. During the day we have been working ridiculously hard on these massive trenches and during the evening we’ve been running VBS at the church which has been a blast (the church part that is). Yesterday was by far the best day yet because we ran into the central belize team at the beach…and the LOPEZ FAMILY!! I got to catch up with a lot of them which was super great. Our team had bonded so much and we’ve become a family. I never thought this trip would come remotely close to my experience last year, but it really has and God has taught me so much just about trusting in Him always and knowing his plan and purpose for me this year is way better than I could have ever imagined. Well I hope everyone is doing great and I can’t wait to see you all! Hope you guys have a good Easter! Love you
Xoxoxo brit
We have heard your pleas for more pictures, and we are working on uploading them. The internet connection we are on is about the same speed as the old dialup, so it takes almost all day to upload 2 pictures. Most of the little pictures we've gotten up are from our phones. Make sure you check back to see some of our older pictures as well as sometimes we backtrack and put pictures up on posts after the fact so that the info can get out to you all.
This is how deep each of our ten corners has to be. As you can see the red clay is not easy to dig out.
VBS worship.. Father Abraham or Padre Abraam
This is how deep each of our ten corners has to be. As you can see the red clay is not easy to dig out.
VBS worship.. Father Abraham or Padre Abraam
some of the girls at the beach
a few of our boys
digging the ditches. Look closely, and you can see almost everyone on our team here.
Fish guts Jonah!
Our Jonah skit
more trenches
early morning weather on Weds.
farmer girls
A busy day at the beach!
A busy day at the beach!
We began our morning with breakfast burritos from our wonderful cooks Darlene and Aretha. The burritos had ham, eggs and homemade tortillas. We also had watermelon available. We ate a hearty breakfast and then once again trudged out to the trenches. We were pretty good about all we had to accomplish today until we learned the 4 square corners we had spent lots of time yesterday hollowing out to be 30in deep and wide enough to fit at least 4 people (Mr C knows the exact measurements) were not the only ones we had to do. We needed to have 6 more deep squares like that. Wow!! That was not our favorite news to hear. The kids reacted well though, and got right down to work to hammer it out. They mostly worked in pairs sometimes trios to complete their respective deep holes. They even made it a contest to see which group could dig theirs out the fastest. We worked until noon then ran to the bathrooms to shower VERY quickly and change into beach clothes. We loaded up the vans and headed to Placentia, a resort town about 45 minutes from camp. We planned to have lunch at Da Tatch, an AMAZING restaurant right there on the ocean. Once we walked up to the restaurant it was clear there was another group there. We were pleasantly surprised to find the Central Belize team there. It was a lot screaming hugging and laughing as our team mixed with the Central team, and the Lopez family. Most of our team went decided Da Tatch was too crowded for them, so they walked down to Wendys, another yummy restaurant John and Darlene recommended as well. The service was slow, but almost everyone LOVED their food! They wandered around the small coastal town shopping and playing on the beach. Everyone got in the water and most were surprised by the warmth of the Caribbean Ocean. We swam, and got out just as the sun was setting. We took pictures of our team and hung out on the beach as Mr. C and Joseph changed the flat tire on one of the vans that we had acquired while enjoying our beach day. We then headed over to the famous Tutti Frutti’s Gelato. We each got triple scoops and the establishment was filled with no complaints and all smiles. It was another wonderful bonding moment for our team. Brian said “It was the best banana gelato!” We came home and had yummy pizza for dinner and everyone was so excited. We had a great time of debrief and devotions after dinner. The kids then stayed up until 2am to play around and hang out. Our team has become in many cases instant friends and they love to play together. We finally have internet again at camp! So we plan to put up a few pictures today.
Our plans today are to head into the village and taking a break from our trenches to freshen up the outside of the church. We’re hoping the stores will be open for us to get paint. We’ll update a little later today or tonight when we get a chance. Thanks for the messages. We love you and miss you all!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
love hearing from you
Just a little note to you parents and loved ones. Our kids really do love hearing from you. If you don't have a blogger account, you can always post as anonymous, just make sure to sign your name so we know who it's from. We read the comments to the kids, and they LOVE hearing them. It's an encouragement to them. Just wanted you to know! :)
The view from lunch today.
We ate lunch in placencia today. this was our view... (Mr. Orr she is alive!!)
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