Friday, April 6, 2012

shout outs!!

We thought we'd give the kids a chance to tell things from their perspective for a little bit! Enjoy! 

Hannah- Mom, Dad, Logan, Bradley & Michael.. I miss you guys so much and I can’t wait to see everybody. I hope you guys are enjoying your spring break, I know I am. I really love it here and wish you could see how amazing it is!! The people are soo great and it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I really love my team and they are just like family. We definitely have had some crazy times.  I have so much to tell you and so many pictures to show you!! Duuuuude I got one gnarly farmers tan (nothing like Logans though) lol. Tell Logan that I am thinking about him and wish him luck with his lifeguard test if he hasn’t already taken it. Text Farris and Jimmy for me thanking them for the nice comment and that I miss them too! Only 2 more days so don’t miss me too much. i hope you guys have a fantastic Easter, ill be thinking about you! Love you all!!! <3<3<3

Brian- Mom, Dad, Blair, and whoever else reads these: tough week so far! Picking/axing/shoveling 370 feet of trenches has probably topped the 100+ bags of cement last year, something I never thought would be topped. Sweating more than I ever have, blisters everywhere, sick, but they kinda need me so no rest for the weary eh? Finally saw the Lopezs yesterday when we got lucky and found them and the Central team at the same beach we went to so now the trip is all worth it. Carla says hello and said she would probably going to write Mom a note or do something over facebook. Christi says hi to all three of you and told me to give you all hugs. I think she misses Dads meat off the bar-b-que. Matthias bought me a machete! Let me know how the Yankees are doing!

Megan- How’s my brother Addi Abbs doing? Working your abbs? I think by now my biceps will be bigger than yours with all the digging of trenches that is going on. Dad, I love you and miss you! Hopefully you all are having some guy bonding time. And I hope you have a fantastic Easter! Ryan, I know you cry to sleep every night because you miss me, but it’s okay, I am still alive and will be home soon. Till then, you can have a hug fest with Adam and Piggy.

Erin-Hello Clark boys, just a reminder for you to finish watching all your man movies—be ready for some Pride and Prejudice when we get home.  Well I am missing you all and praying for you.  Don’t forget to feed my kitty, hug Miss Bell, clean the house (ha), and have a good Easter!  Love you--can’t wait to catch up on the Dodgers too.  P. S.  My biceps will probably be bigger than dad’s.

Rachel- hey mom, dad, Tracy, Jasmine, Roxy, Sam(if you’re reading this), and Casey.  J  How is everyone doing?  I’m doing good over here despite the extreamly hot days.  (If you thought church camp at Vail Lake was bad, you havn’t been here.  Mom, if you could keep my hand in prayer that would be awesome.  The muscle on my thumb really hurts, but it’s nothing that keeps me from work, just being able to write well.  I love you Big Nut Brown Hare.   Dad, I will try to never complain about pulling weeds again.  I will still hate doing it, but it’s nothing compared to what we’re doing right now.   Also, I got some Beliezian money for the money collection. Tracy, I hope you’re having a good Easter Break from school.  If it’s hot enough over there, take a dip in the pool for me.  Tell LoLo I say hi and will be home soon for him to sit on my shoulder.  Roxers, and Jasers, I love the both of you so much, and expect a lot of kisses when I get home.  Sam, I miss you like heck my sister, and you too Kelsey.  When I get back, we’re all going out for Ice Cream, and seeing Hunger games together.  Count on it.  And Casey, Glub, Glub.  I love all of you very much and hope you’re having a good break. 

Dylan-  Hey Mom, Dad, Kyle and AngelJ. I really miss you guys!! It has been and still is one of the best experiences of my life, and I am soo glad I am here. I love my team, and we all have really bonded. Everyday I have been wielding a pickaxe and diggging trenches, for hours upon hours in the hot sun. It is definitely an experience I will never forget. My walk with God has grown soo much in this week, than I have in a while. I hope you guys have an amazing Easter, and it will definitely be weird without you. I appreciate your prayers, and I hope you guys have had fun while I am gone. We went to Placencia yesterday, and the beach was amazing! You couldn’t even belive it, the water was warm!! Haha I got souveniers for all of you guys as well!! I love and miss you all!! J

Amber- Mom, Dad, J, Em and everyone else! I am having a great trip and I can’t wait to tell you ALL about it!! Although we have been digging trenches all day long the team has bonded a ton and I have really seen God work in my life.  I miss you so much and seeing you on Thursday was great Justin J can’t wait to hear all about your trips.   

Josh- hey mom dad meg and jenna. Here in Belize and having an awesome time and happy birthday jeniball miss being with you on our birthday I’ll see you all in a couple days miss you all see ya.

Carly- Hey Mom, Dad, and Kraemer! I’m having so much fun! I lost my voice like Tuesday so it’s been fun trying to speak in the VBS and stuff, but it all adds to the memories J We’re having such an amazing trip, and I’ve been able to reconnect a ton with all of the kids I met last year. I’m glad to hear that Uncle Keith is okay, that was scary when I first read your comment dad. Wish I was able to see you guys while you were home, but I’ll be back soon! Love you all J

Kalina &Cheyenne- Hey Mom, Dad, Chad, Trent, Ginger, and Brotha Sam!! Having so much fun here in BealizeJ Haven’t got many bug bites.. but there is a problem with trantuals haha bet Chad would love to see them! We Love you all and miss you so much! The team is doing great and we are having so many funny, memorable times together. We can’t wait to tell you all about it! Trent, we hope your baseball tournament went well and we are happy to hear about Ginger’s first mountain walkJ Hope your spring break has been relaxing. Happy Easter Family! We love you so so so so so so so so so (cheyenne J ) much <3

Katie- Hey mom and dad, im doing great. Im having oodles of fun. I hope daisy is not so depressed! Tell her im almost home! I miss you guya soo much. I hope 50 is not lonesome at night. Im doing very hard work heere. I believe I have seen the light of death. Jk it’s the burning sun. everybody is awesome here. We are digging trenches. The children are so loving and welcoming. Some of them laugh at mine and cheyenne’s spanish accents but that’s ok. Well I gotta go. Love you and miss you very very very very much. J <3

Joseph- tell my brother I love him.

Hiliary- Hi!!!!! I love you and miss you all and I can’t wait to see you again! I am having so much fun here! I hope you had fun touring colleges and I can’t wait to hear the verdict.  I have so MANY fun stories to share with you.  John showed us this animal called a paca and it reminded me of Hei BooBear.  VBS has been lifechanging and I have learned so much more from the little kids than I expected.  I love my team soo much and we have bonded a ton.  I am sure you heard that we ran into the central Belize team in Placentia, and it was really nice to be able to talk to Mr. Andrew and then Glenna for half an hour.  Our whole team went out to eat during that time and after we were done talking to central, Morgan and I started looking for our team and she almost asked, “Where is our family?”.  After five days of trench digging, Muscles has got muscles :).  It was really hard to say goodbye to all of my VBS/ church friends today, but I took lots of pics.  I am anxious to see what the outcome of Garrett’s appointment was on Monday.  Tell Ann and Ashley that the magazine was amazing and saved me from boredom on a LONG layover.  Sorry I am talking so much, but I will tell you more later.  Dad: {hugs} Mom: your baby girl is safe Mickey: hope you had a great time and can’t wait to see you.  Love you all as much as God loves us! <3 Happy Easter and remember to get a lot of rolls.  :) love, Hililee

Lauren- Hey mom and dad! I miss you guys a lot and I hope you are having a good break! I’m having a lot of fun and I can’t wait to see you guys. I love you guys a lot and tell Alexa I miss her. See you in a few days!

Ryan- hey guys ill be home in 2 days and im tired so night night love you  

Brittany- Hey guys! I’ve been having an absoutely amazing time in Belize so far. During the day we have been working ridiculously hard on these massive trenches and during the evening we’ve been running VBS at the church which has been a blast (the church part that is).  Yesterday was by far the best day yet because we ran into the central belize team at the beach…and the LOPEZ FAMILY!! I got to catch up with a lot of them which was super great.  Our team had bonded so much and we’ve become a family.  I never thought this trip would come remotely close to my experience last year, but it really has and God has taught me so much just about trusting in Him always and knowing his plan and purpose for me this year is way better than I could have ever imagined.  Well I hope everyone is doing great and I can’t wait to see you all! Hope you guys have a good Easter! Love you
Xoxoxo brit


  1. Thank you!!!! Loved hearing from our girl!!! It made Good Friday be a Great Friday!!! Loved hearing your "voice" Hils! Absolutely cannot wait to see you! Your heart sounds full of joy for the kids and our Lord :). Happy Easter. It won't be the same without you but we will be sure to bring you an entire basket of rolls. Dad is waiting for his hug :). Love you little girl.

    Mom, Dad, and Mickey

  2. Thanks for the message!!!Dylan we are so happy you are having a great time! We have also had a great week and we wish you a Happy Easter as well!!We look forward to picking you up at the airport to see that Dylan face!!We love you and miss you so much! We need Dylan hugs!!Love-Mom, Dad, Kyle, Angel

  3. Hey Buzz, it was sure good to hear from you. Will keep that thumb in prayer. You're just falling apart, girl-friend. JK Better keep your feet healthy b/c you've got to get your dancing shoes on for play practice this week. I know you're thrilled beyond belief to learn all that choreography. Tracy showed me the Chuck Testa commercial on YouTube. You must come home and save me! Right now Lolo is sitting on my shoulder, well that is until he saw the Archer picture and had to go do his dance for Archer or Topal or whoever. Bird! The dogs have missed you, but are doing better, however I do think you will be seriously pounced on when you get home! Tracy said that Destiny said to say "Hi!" Casey sends a glub, glub back at you. Dad has the schedule all figured out to get you picked up. Expect a huge hug when he sees you. We love you lots and lots, Buzz. Mom

  4. Hannah Brown,
    just wanted to say i miss you a lot, and it makes me overjoyed knowing your having a good time there. Its been a long two weeks without ya, but i know i will see you soon! Ive got quite the surprise for you when you get back, i hope you will love it as much as i do. Ill be thinking about you, come home safe.
    <3 always, Alec

  5. Hey Brit-
    Thanks so much for the note. I have read it a few times already. I know how much it must have meant to you to run into the Lopez family so I'm so glad you had the opportunity to see them.
    I'm sorry you won't be here to help hide the easter eggs tomorrow. ( : tradition- gotta do it.
    I love and miss you mimi. Be safe. The rest of the fam send lots of hugs and kisses. Your dad is waiting to take the group out for burgers...but it sounds like you have all been eating quite well. Can't. Wait to see you!! Xoxo

  6. Kalina and Cheyenne,
    I'm glad you girls are having so much fun and making some many great memories! The Lord is working through you all and blessing you with great memories that will stay with you forever. I know the Lord shined through you all and the people saw that. Matthew 5:16, "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Stay in the word and always seek and follow Him and He will bless you. I love you girls and cannot wait for you to get back. I pray all the flights go smoothly, and make sure you don't bring back any of those tarantulas!!! Chey, Ginger is LOVING sleeping in your room and on your bed. Kalina, your guitar is waiting for you in your closet. Love you girls!!!
    Chad, Mom, Dad, Trent, and Ginger

  7. Hannah, I loved reading the post from you. I really needed to hear from you. I am soo happy that you are having a great time. This weekend was busy. Brad is coming over tomorrow for Easter. I'm cooking so I bet you are glad to be far away so you don't have to eat it. haha. Have a wonderful day. I can't wait to hear all about your trip. See you tomorrow night!!!! You miss me... Mom

  8. Hi Kalina and Cheyenne!
    I hope your trip is going well. I am so excited to hear about everything! I love you guys! I will keep you in my prayers!

    Cousin Quoya, Aunt Shannon, Uncle Mike, Grandma, and Grandpa
    P.S. Ginger is so adorable!

  9. So excited to hug you girls tomorrow. Just not same without you. Happy Easter and Praise God! Love you MOM and Aunt Sheila

  10. Joseph, we can't wait to see you although I imagine you are all sad to go. We love you and miss you. I think I need to rent a van cuz everyone wants to go with me to pick you up at the airport. Your brother read your comment and had a choked up little smile. He misses his big brother. He likes to see the pics of you guys with all the little kids. :) Prayers for you and your team for a safe tip home. Love Your Momma, Gina

  11. hey morgan we didnt see a post from you i hope all is well cant wait to see you love mommy

    1. hi mommy im doing very good i miss you lots were having a amazing time barely any buggy bites at all reply back! im bringing back lots and lots of pets so get ready hehe i miss lauren too hug calvin for me i hope he isnt eaten or something love you the mostest toastest million billion infinite bye!

  12. Hi Brian - the Yankees have lost 2 games so far, sorry. Hope you haven't been too sick, we're praying God gives you amazing strength for this next week and the race on Sunday! We'll miss you at Easter dinner tomorrow, we'll have 60 people and it should be beautiful outside. See you soon! Love, Mom

  13. Praying for the entire team as you travel tomorrow! May God hold every detail in His hands. May everything go as it should. Miss you lots Little Nut Brown Hare. I'll see you when you get home tomorrow night. Yes, I'll sacrifice some sleep and be a zombie at work to see my Buzzie!

    Love and lots of kisses!
